City of Wyoming Minnesota Skate Park
SPA Skateparks is excited to have been involved in the Goodview Skate Park in Wyoming, Minnesota. Advocacy efforts began back in 2011 with a simple, yet effective, letter from a local youth to his City’s administration. Subsequently, the idea was embraced by both the community and the City of Wyoming Parks Board and Council. Goodview Park was earmarked for the project due to the existing infrastructure and its popularity. Hallberg Family Foundation, the Forest Lake Rotary Club, First State Bank of Wyoming, Security Victor Insurance, Polaris and Knife River. Park development fees will cover the rest.
SPA was qualified as the skatepark shotcrete subcontractor / consultant for the project. Working alongside the local General Contractor, SPA’s scope of work included the placement of all shotcrete features by ACI Certified Shotcrete Nozzlemen.
Below is the original letter from Brandon Russell to the City of Wyoming requesting a modern day skatepark.
City of Wyoming,
Skateboarding has become one of the most popular action sports for kids today. Us skateboarders honestly think a skate park would be more than necessary for the city of Wyoming. Skate parks provide a safe and fun place for skateboarders, rollerbladers and bikers to recreate. Skate parks also help kids to get outside and be active, along with them learning a new skill with their friends.
The most common problem with skateboarding today is kids skateboarding in other people’s property. Many small businesses don’t appreciate skateboarders doing tricks in their parking lots and hopping down their stairs and loading docks. When kids are skateboarding in the street they are at risk of getting hit by cars. Some skateboarders can’t even skate on their own streets because of the poor condition and the chip-sealed roads.
Brandon Russell
The Goodview Skatepark in Wyoming, Minnesota offers a great lay-out and very useable features. The skatepark has two main levels. The upper section has a long, bi-directional quarter pipe that acts as a turn-around feature. A set of stairs, down rail, flat ledge and banks provide a variety of ways to transition to the lower level. The park’s center piece is a massive bank / pyramid combo feature. The lower section has a bank-to-bank with gap, more rails and ledges and two large penny shaped banks for return walls. And as a final touch, a skate-able metal stagecoach wheel pays homage to the annual Stagecoach Days community event. The skatepark connects to other areas of Goodview Park via a paved trail, and includes a nearby covered gazebo with picnic tables.
At the time of this writing, park rules and hours could not be found online. For all general questions on the City of Wyoming, Minnesota’s Goodview Skate Park contact the Parks and Recreation Department
External Links
City of Wyoming Minnesota – Goodview Park